Unmatched service
24x7 network monitoring
Personalized Support
High first-call resolution
With the growing concern for the future of our economy, many companies have been taking a closer look at their expenses/overhead and seek the means to reduce their cost without compromising the continuity or quality of the services.
Custom Tel is a leading Communications Provider. We provide an efficient suite of services at the lowest cost in the industry. We strive to be your vendor of choice and become your long term business partner.
As the premier low-cost communications provider, we have made an unparallel commitment to assisting companies with this evaluation. We have a suite of communications offerings which includes everything from Long Distance Service to Toll Free Service to VoIP services. I would like to give your organization the same opportunity we have provided our current customers. With an understanding of your current infrastructure, requirements and costs, we can prepare a competitive cost analysis which will project realistic, not potential savings. This is based on the amount of lines, bandwidth capacity, and network/telephony traffic. Our clients all experience a minimum of 20-40% monthly savings.
Once we have had the opportunity to discuss your communications, we can present a solid, cost saving proposal.
We thank you for taking the time to read this message and look forward to hearing from you.